SOLARKIOSK took part at the European Development Days held in Brussels, Belgium on the 7th and 8th June.
The event, organized by the European Commission, brings development actors together to share ideas and experiences, inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions for the world’s most pressing challenges. In particular, EDD 2017 emphasized private sector engagement as a partner in economic development, to strengthen inclusive growth and jobs creation for women and youth.
Andreas Spie√ü, CEO at SOLARKIOSK, spoke at the debate Bridging the Digital Divide in Africa. “Energy enables connectivity, which enables content. Content comes with a responsibility and therefore SOLARKIOSK focuses on working with partners who bring content to enable health, education, communication, financial inclusion, agri-solutions and more for our rural customers in off-grid areas worldwide” commented Andreas.
SOLARKIOSK’s work was also featured at the stand of the Inclusive Business Action Network, a network for development actors providing insights, analytics and best practices to its members. During the event, IBAN promoted the understanding of partnerships through the Partnership Challenge, a game inviting visitors to put themselves in the role of impactful businesses to better assess the value of partners at all stages of the value chain and in relation to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.