E-HUBB contribute to biodiversity protection
Berlin, Monday 23rd January
NABU e.V. (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) celebrates the closing of its 3-years integrated project for the protection of biodiversity in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve, southern Ethiopia (event link ).
SOLARKIOSK is among the key partners invited to attend the event. In 2014, SOLARKIOSK contributed three E-HUBB to NABU, boosting the clean energy sources available to the Reserve’s inhabitants, one the main pillars of the program.
The E-HUBBs are currently still operating in off-grid locations around the central town of Bonga. Among the first-implemented E-HUBB, they represent a remarkable example of how SOLARKIOSK’s technology and design perfectly fits into a natural, protected environment, such as the Kafa Biosphere Reserve.