On the 7th of April, SOLARKIOSK celebrated the opening of a new E-HUBB in aremote, off-grid village in Narok County in Kenya. The E-HUBB has been implemented as a part of the EU co-financed POWERKIOSK project.
SOLARKIOSK CEO Andreas Spiess shared the joy of the ribbon cutting with a young child from the community. In his inauguration speech, Andreas stressed the value SOLARKIOSK brings in its investment in rural communities: “You canbuy high quality products with 2-year warranty here. We areyour partners and together we will grow to prosperity”. To highlight the new E-HUBB’s power generation for other businesses, Spiess added for us, it is not only about selling products.SOLARKIOSK enables economic growth of its communities through productive use of clean, sustainable energy provided by the E-HUBB.”