Solarkiosk (SKS) was invited as a private sector company by the UNTAR to participate in the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) in Geneva.

SKS actively supports the agenda of the GRF, as we fully embrace sustainable economic development with measurable social change and a positive environmental impact!
Today, 25.9 million people are refugees, and governments, civil society, and the private sector have to come together to find sustainable solutions for this humanitarian crisis.
The event was able to showcase the worldwide strengthening support for inclusion and long-term development needs in refugee camps and host communities.
But much more needs to be done.
Humanitarian agencies expenditure on diesel, petrol and associated in 2017 was $1.2 billion, hence the use of renewable energies will have a disruptive cost-cutting effect.
The private sector already take the lead by introducing innovative solar powered solutions tailored for the needs of the sector.
SKS and some other pioneering companies have been proving the relevance of renewable energy by implementing pilot projects in refugee camps.
SKS has been successful with integrating its award winning solar power solutions into health care, education and integration projects in refugee camps in Rwanda, Jordan, Somalia and Bangladesh.

But what is next? It is time for much more action!
We are calling out for more public private partnerships in the light of the sustainable development goal number 17 and we invite like-minded partners from all sectors to come together with us and collaboratively work on improving the situation for migrants all over the world!
#sdg17 #publicprivatepartnership #cooperation #refugees #humanitarian #GRF