With the launch of three new E-HUBBs this week, Solar Kiosk Kenya Ltd. is now operating 50 E-HUBBs. Most of the E-HUBBs in Kenya are branded as “EKOCENTER powered by SOLARKIOSK, and implemented in cooperation with The Coca-Cola Company.
Solar Kiosk Kenya was founded four years ago, with the first E-HUBBs inaugurated in Narok and Kajado county. Since then Solar Kiosk Kenya has expanded its footprint into five more counties – Samburu, Laikipia, Isiolo, Nakuru and Makueni.
In the next months, SOLARKIOSK plans to reinforce its presence in Narok and expand to the north of Nairobi to Migori and Tharaka Nithi, thus further extending its footprint in rural, off-grid Kenya.
William Mukaria, Managing Director of Solar Kiosk Kenya, is especially pleased about the recent developments: In the last few months I have witnessed Solar Kiosk Kenya picking up speed in both the E-HUBB’s network expansion and the sales performance. The dedication of the whole team has been crucial to achieve such positive results in both areas. It’s also so fulfilling to know that we continue giving our customers an opportunity to light up their lives by accessing quality solar products in our shops.”